Duck Dice was launched in 2016 and it is actually a unique cryptocurrency dice game providing pleasant pastime. Here you can play Provably Fair dice and some bonus games, join contests, achieve various awards and take part in community life via chat and private messages.
The site mentions that it has carefully designed UI, proactive support, low House Edge, and transparent withdrawal principles. Also to attract players they provide highly competitive Faucet and regular Rains. The complete, built from scratch Currency Exchange service is available for all ducklings, instantly and with the best rates available.
They have also implemented various side features such as awards and a wide amount of bonuses and players can share their bets and awards processing shares to Social Networks as referral links and create custom affiliate campaigns to earn bonus coins.
Duck Dice – The Game Of Dice

DuckDice is a design-driven Bitcoin dice game with Faucet. Aiming to become the best cryptocurrency dice game available online. DuckDice offers free features like Multiple currencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ethereum (ETH), Dash (DASH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Monero (XMR), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Bitcoin Gold (BTG), Stellar (XLM), Zcash (ZEC); Autoplay that allows you to use Bitcoin dice roll automatically (aka Auto Bet) and various bonuses that will take place from time to time
You can play Bitcoin dice mobile version as well. By using Faucet you can experience a game in a “Bitcoin dice simulator” mode which will cost you absolutely nothing. There are many cryptocurrency game faucets available and the Duck dice faucet is highly competitive that allows you to play without any risk, satoshis are given to you for free so there is no reason to worry about losing it, you can check various gambling strategies instead.
This shows that it has only one dice game with quite basic graphical content. Anyway the gameplay is really fast and easy to understand for the first time.
You can play with 10 cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, Ripple, Ethereum Classic and Bitcoin Gold.
How To Get Started?

Visit the online site https://duckdice.io/ with your mobile or PC
Create your user name and login with your password.
Make a real money deposit. To deposit funds simply click DEPOSIT button. A new address will be generated. Choose desired cryptocurrency amount and make payment to the generated address. After transaction is confirmed by cryptocurrency network, it will credit the amount to your Balance.
So when you depsosit some cryptocurrency or use FAUCET feature (The Faucet feature allows you get some amount of cryptocurrency to play with for FREE. The purpose of the faucet is to test the game with zero risk prior to depositing) set up your BET by specifying:
- BET AMOUNT – amount of crypto-money you want to place; Min bet BTC 0.0000001
- GAME TYPE – LOW, if you think the next roll will be smaller than the target number, displayed on the field. HIGH, if you think the next roll will be greater than the target number;
- WIN CHANCE – the lower the chance, the higher the payout.
Now Hit ROLL. Then a random number between 0 and 9,999 will be generated and compared to the target number in the following way:
- If the chosen GAME TYPE is LOW and the random number is LESS than the target number then RESULT is WIN, otherwise LOSS;
- If the chosen GAME TYPE is HIGH and the random number is GREATER than the target number then RESULT is WIN, otherwise LOSS.
- In case of WIN, your WIN AMOUNT equals to BET AMOUNT times PAYOUT to your BALANCE. In case of LOSS, your WIN AMOUNT is 0.
Note that due to rounding WIN CHANCE to the hundredths instead of displaying all digits after comma, a user can see a different PAYOUT amount with the same WIN CHANCE.
- In dice game player placing bets against a randomly (pseudorandom since there is no pure random) generated number. It is close to guessing numbers in lottery, but with a way higher probability of winning.
- Featuring exquisite design and flawless performance DuckDice offers outstanding gaming experience where reliability is treated as the highest priority.
- If you want rain (Rain is a chat feature that allows one member to send some coins to multiple members at a time. It is usually done as a courtesy after a good win, or just to cheer up people in the chat) then Rain algorithm picks random members from the chat, the more messages member have sent – the higher the probability to get under the bad weather.
- But even if member only have sent one message he still can receive rain. You can chat with other players while playing dice.
- In order to start chatting you must make at least 100bets, this is necessary measure to keep chat clean from spammers. The chat support full stack of emojis and you can set your avatar.
All your chat messages can be edited in order to fix your typos or be deleted if desired. You can tip, mute, ignore other members and send the rain directly from the chat. @username will make a mention of a specific user and #bet will share your bet to the chat room.
The Duck Dice Lottery

DuckDice Daily Lottery is a modern realization of the well-known game designed to let players enlarge their earnings. All players can take part in Daily Lottery. Daily Lottery prizes are credited on the winner’s balance and able to withdraw without any clauses.
DuckDice Daily Lottery runs every day about 15:00 UTC. Tickets sale stops at 14:50.
Ducklings or players can buy tickets using any cryptocurrency but Bankroll and prizes are calculated only in BTC. Be aware, Daily Lottery tickets can be bought only with real funds! Lottery tickets of banned ducklings aren’t counted in Daily Lottery draw so they cannot receive a prize.
Daily Lottery has 3 tiers of winners which defies due to matched numbers:
a) all ducklings with 5 matching numbers share 50% of Bankroll
b) all ducklings with 4 matching numbers share 30% of Bankroll
c) all ducklings with 3 matching numbers share 20% of Bankroll
Daily Lottery Bankroll amount is equal to the ticket sales sum except 10% fee. If there are no winners at any tier their part of bankroll will be credited on the next Daily Lottery.
- If you win you can withdraw your funds by simply clicking WITHDRAW button.
- Enter desired amount, your wallet address and click WITHDRAW.
- Usually, the casino process withdrawal request in a few minutes but in some cases withdrawal request can be delayed up to 48 hours due to security check.
Duck Dice Bonus Offers

There are many ongoing bonus offers at Duck Dice online casino. Lucky Bet bonus is periodically held to let the players earn some extra coins betting with the certain bet chance and amount. The winners will be chosen according to their bet numbers. When Lucky Bet bonus starts players receive a notification with a bet amount and a win chance to set to take part in, program type, and prize fund amount.
To take part in Lucky Bet bonus make a bet with settings from the start notification: chance equal or less and bet amount equal or higher. You get a bonus if your bet number is equal to the set number. You don’t get a bonus if your bet number is equal to the set number but chance is higher or bet amount is less than the requiered.
There are two types of Lucky Bet bonus:
- One Winner – when the only player with the right bet number, win chance and bet amount receive the bonus;
- Split – when all players with bet numbers close to winning number, right win chance and bet amount receive the bonus.
DuckDice Birthday Bonus is run every year to let the ducklings celebrate this beautiful day!
It has quite simple mechanics: like find a decorated egg; Click on it; Find bonus funds added on the game balance! The bonus icon may emerge anywhere on the screen and stay for a few seconds. Everyone who is online when DuckDice Birthday Bonus is running takes part automatically.